Friday, 2 January 2015

Speech on “BRAIN DRAIN”

Honorable jury and dear friends a very good morning to one and all. Here standing in front of you ( name) and I have got the golden opportunity to express my views on the topic “Brain Drain”.
Brain Drain.. what is it? Actually it is the phenomenon of people migrating from developing countries to developed countries.  So, how can Indians be behind? Many of us want to coin money and there are many other reasons for it. Some of them can be mentioned as- lifestyle and job satisfaction abroad are much higher than in India. There is great demand abroad for chefs, cooks, waiters, plumbers, drivers, welders, farm hands and carpenters. So Indians get attracted towards handsome salaries in US dollars. And moreover Indians get jobs there whereas they face unemployment in India.
Friends, do you have any idea what are consequences faced by our country due to brain drain. If not then listen to this India is losing trained doctors, nurses, engineers and scientists. Most IIT, MBA graduates prefer working abroad. India is facing acute shortage of doctors in rural areas. Industry experts quote : quality engineers are hard to find. Whereas on the flip side, Indian software developers and financial experts heading for foreign countries.
Now if taken glance at solutions Indian government and society have done for stoppage of brain drain then it is found that in contemporary India, self-employment and business opportunities are growing at a good & faster rate. Government is still planning further to check and root out this problem completely.

Thank you!


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