Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Good Speech “Multiple-job Scenario”

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The concept of “one job for lifetime” has become old. How can the individuals and governments deal with the instability in the job market and multiple job scenario?
As the cost of living and standard of living has risen, it has become difficult to live a comfortable life with just one source of income.
Increased population has led to job scarcity, exploitation and unemployment. Earlier government jobs were in abundance and were for lifetime, but now, there is saturation in government jobs. Liberalisation and increased entrepreneurial spirits have led to more competition. There is less job security and increased work pressure nowadays. Irregularities of the job market put the employees on the alert and on the lookout for another job. In the current global recession, for instance, retrenchment and reduced recruitment has affected people worldwide. High ambitions and expectations also make individuals search for better job opportunities. For many, multiple jobs satisfy the desire of a better standard of life. Thus, the old mentality has changed and it is very common now to have more than one job in one’s lifetime.
In this scenario, people have to become flexible, as in doing a part time job or business in addition to their full-time jobs or considering other job options. For this, they should expand their range of skills and upgrade their knowledge. They should be ready to take up further studies to excel in their career.
The governments should boost the industrial sector and generate more employment opportunities. Recruitment of people on the basis of selection procedures and exams at the state or national level is also a good idea. Workshop or training programmes should be arranged as and when needed for better work exposure. More correspondence courses and part time courses should be made available to the working population wishing to pursue further studies.

I think the current and future work conditions are required to be dealt with a systematic, planned approach by the individuals and governments both. Strong, smart workforce of a country, after all leads it ahead of others.

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