Thursday 7 December 2017

Preservation of traditional arts and skills

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One of the consequences of development and modernism is loss of traditional arts and skills. How much is the need to preserve such skills in the modern times?

Earlier, traditional skills were a way of life. In the Indian context, skills like embroidery, handicraft, cot making etc. were less of an income source and more of a social pastime. As the rural life started shrinking and people started detaching with their roots, lifestyle choices changed too. Now as advanced technology is making our lives easier, basic traditional skills are gradually vanishing from our day to day life.  Personally I disagree that it is pointless to try and keep our traditional skills alive. Had ancient India not discovered "zero" it doubt if technology would have ever advanced to such an extent. We all know that "zero" was invented through traditional methods.
I do not doubt the presence of technology in our personal and professional lives. It definitely has brought drastic changes and benefits in our lives. Traditional ways are often discarded by saying that they are time consuming, less accurate and old fashioned. We are now following western styles, but we are not aware how many families in India are surviving on the cottage industries where people weave saris, bedsheets, mats, carpets on the looms. By just opting for technology, so many people will loose their source of income.
If not endowed with,. At least we all are aware of such skills which keep us connected with our roots. It is our responsibility as good citizens to help the people dependent on traditional skills for their livelihood. We can use technology with a blend of traditions. Therefore, in my opinion, rather than for getting the ancient traditional arts and skills,
we should try and save them from disappearing completely. Let us take pride in our traditional ways of life because that will keep on reminding our future generations from where did we incept. Every country in this world is known not only because of it's different name but also because of its distinguished tradition and culture.

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